What is it?
IIEQPro is, to many devoted fans, the best equalizer plugin out there. If you had only one choice, this would be the one you would take with you on the proverbial island. If you are looking for the best equalizer plugin money can buy, that you can safely load on any track in your projects, this is it! IIEQPro contains everything that is expected from a software EQ in the 21st century, and then some. The only issue is: once you own IIEQPro there’ll be no more excuses…

- 24 fully parametric bands, with 27 state-of-the-art filter types per band
- Pristine 64 bit audio processing with ultra-low noise level
- Adjusted for digital artefacts at high frequencies (don’t use any equalizer that doesn’t offer this!)
- Seven Butterworth filter types with variable slopes from 6 to 60 dB/oct
- Multitrack editing: adjust several IIEQPro instances in just one user interface
- Very efficient user interaction (just one click to dial in a band)
- Autolisten option
- Band processing in series or parallel
- A/B option for quick comparison of alternative EQing choices
- Very low CPU consumption but not at the expense of sound quality
- High precision frequency analyzer (pre/post) with zoom and scroll functionality
- Switchable to two-channel mode operation (L/R or Mid/Side)
- Available in 32 and 64 bit, in Windows VST/VST3 (32/64 bit), Windows/Mac AAX and Mac VST/VST3/AU (32/64 bit, Intel OSX 10.7 and higher + Apple Silicon)
What users say
I have tons of EQs, spent sooo much money on them, but I only use this one while mixing, on every channel. Long live DDMF! (macattackamac on kvraudio.com)
Nothing beats DDMF EQ’s IMO for simplicity, ease of use and intuitive layout and workflow. The sound is phantastic as well (both IIEQPro and LP10). Less fancy in a way… but that makes it so great! (Miro on gearslutz.com)